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Emotion & Body Code
The emotion and body code are powerful energy healing techniques developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. With the use of kinesiology (muscle or energy testing) your certified Body Code practitioner can tap into your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind knows everything there is to know about you. It holds key information about how to heal your ailments. Your subconscious mind has a record of everything that has occurred in your life. We use the Emotion & Body Code method to identify energetic blocks to your healing. These can be trapped emotions as well as a host of other energetic imbalances, including toxins and pathogens (Epstein Barr virus and Lyme bacterial toxins are common problems). This is an amazing therapy that we have had great success with from everything from chronic pain, chronic digestive problems, symptoms of anxiety and depression as well as very complicated issues such as DID (Disassociative Identity Disorder) and Cerebral Palsy. Book your appointment here, for initial sessions choose the Body Code Intake session or 90 minute session
Please note* We do not diagnose or treat any disease as we are not medical doctors, what we do address is any symptom physical or emotional. With this method we simply ask your body what it needs in order to alleviate the symptoms causing you discomfort.
In person sessions are conducted at my office in Prescott Valley, Arizona. 8270 East Hwy 69, suite 102. Long distance remote sessions are conducted via phone, Skype or email. I have successfully performed remote sessions all over the world. Energy and intention knows no boundaries!
Holistic Wellness Consulting
I provide consulting services by meeting in person, or on the phone with clients desiring a natural approach to healing. I will have several questionnaires designed to provide me with a picture of your health issues and any mitigating factors that may have led up to any medical diagnosis that you have received from the medical establishment. I consider your health history, environmental factors, emotional and mental factors that may be contributing to disease and symptoms that you are concerned with. Based on this information I work with you to determine the best course of holistic action to address these issues so that you can heal from the inside out.
I use many different methods of holistic healing including: herbs, certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils, and clinical grade therapeutic essential oils. I use mind body techniques, breathing exercises, use of journals, drawing, hands on healing, Pulsed Electromagnetic therapy (PEMF), ionic footbaths, aromatouch, cold laser therapy, Quantum Touch, Enhanced Energy Healing, Guided Imagery, and Integrative Wellness Coaching. Initial session: $150.00
Integrative Wellness Coaching
I will coach you on any health and wellness issue or goals of your choosing. Coaching sessions are tailored to your schedule, your needs and your budget. The most effective coaching schedule is once a week but other schedules can be arranged based on individual needs. Hourly rate = $95.00, 30 minute rate= $50.00, package discounts are available.
Bio-Well Energy Scans
I provide energy field scans with my Bio-Well Gas Discharge Visualization device. The Bio-Well device uses cutting edge technology known as Gas Discharge Visualization (Kirlian Photography). When I conduct a scan with this device, a weak electrical current is applied to the fingertips which form an electron cloud on the lens of the internal camera. This is uploaded to software that analyzes the information and maps it to the different organs and energy systems of your body. From this I can see where energy deficiencies and excesses exist which can then be addressed with specific therapies. I will discuss the results of your scan and provide with you with a full report. Stand alone price for this analysis= $25.00
Hands on Energy Healing
I use a combination of enhanced energy healing therapies including Quantum Touch pranic energy healing and other energy medicine techniques to free up the energy field flow and enhance chakra size and alignment. Many patients have reported how this has helped considerably with pain levels. A typical session is between 30 to 45 minutes and includes pre- and post session Bio-Well energy scan. $95.00
Ionic Foot Bath Detoxification

Ionic Foot Bath Detoxification
This is an amazing method for detoxing the body. This takes about 45 minutes. Stand Alone price= $45.00 discounted if done in another service session
AromaTouch Essential Oil Application
I am certified in the Aromatouch Essential Oil Application. Stand Alone fee= $50.00 discount if done in the same session as other consultations, therapies.
Come visit us!